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Difference Between CAD and CAM


Computer - Aided Design (CAD) cam be defined as the creation, modification, analysis and optimization of a new component using a computer.

CAD involves three major elements :-
1. Hardware
2. CAD software
3. The user

The primary function of CAD involves design, analysis and application to manufacturing. An object drawn with CAD can be analysed interactively on the CAD screen and the physically information can be extracted from it.
In an engineering sense, CAD also incorporates finite element analysis, stress analysis, heat transfer analysis, and fluid flow analysis and so on i.e which enables a part to be constructed and tested virtually before and physically object is manufactured.


Computer- Aided manufacturing (CAM) can be defined as the application of computers to plan, process, manage and control various operations in a manufacturing organization either with direct or indirect computer interface with the available resources.
