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The failure of engineering materials is almost always an undesirable event for several reasons; these include human lives that are put in jeopardy, economic losses, and the interference with the availability of products and services. Even though the causes of failure and the behavior of materials may be known, prevention of failures is difficult to guarantee. The usual causes are improper materials selection and processing and inadequate design of the component or its misuse. It is the responsibility of the engineer to anticipate and plan for possible failure and, in the event that failure does occur, to assess its cause and then take appropriate preventive measures against future incidents.
There are basically three kinds of material Failure. 


An oil tanker that fractured in a brittle manner by crack propagation around its girth.


Fundamentals of fracture

Simple fracture is the separation of a body into two or more pieces in response to an imposed stress that is static (i.e., constant or slowly changing with time) and at temperatures that are low relative to the melting temperature of the material. The applied stress may be tensile, compressive, shear, or torsional; the present discussion will be confined to fractures that result from uniaxial tensile loads. For engineering materials, two fracture modes are possible: ductile and brittle. Classification is based on the ability of a material to experience plastic deformation.

Ductile Fracture

Ductile fracture surfaces will have their own distinctive features on both macroscopic

and microscopic levels.

Brittle Fracture

Brittle fracture takes place without any appreciable deformation, and by rapid crack
propagation. The direction of crack motion is very nearly perpendicular to the direction

of the applied tensile stress and yields a relatively flat fracture surface.


Fatigue is a form of failure that occurs in structures subjected to dynamic and fluctuating stresses (e.g., bridges, aircraft, and machine components). Under these circumstances it is possible for failure to occur at a stress level considerably lower than the tensile or yield strength for a static load. The term “fatigue” is used because this type of failure normally occurs after a lengthy period of repeated stress or strain cycling. Fatigue is important in as much as it is the single largest cause of failure in metals, estimated to comprise approximately 90% of all metallic failures; polymers and ceramics. Fatigue failure is brittle like in nature even in normally ductile metals, in that there is very little, if any, gross plastic deformation associated with failure. The process occurs by the initiation and propagation of cracks, and ordinarily the fracture
surface is perpendicular to the direction of an applied tensile stress.


Materials are often placed in service at elevated temperatures and exposed to static mechanical stresses (e.g., turbine rotors in jet engines and steam generators that experience centrifugal stresses, and high-pressure steam lines). Deformation under such circumstances is termed creep.
A typical creep test consists of subjecting a specimen to a constant load or stress while maintaining the temperature constant; deformation or strain is measured and plotted as a function of elapsed time. Most tests are the constant load type, which yield information of an engineering nature; constant stress tests are employed to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms of creep.

Mechanism of creep
